Celebrated concert pianist Daniel Vnukowski, currently based in southern California, has embarked upon a new virtual live streaming project that is making waves internationally. Already, one of his live streams - Gershwin's Rhapsody in Blue has gone viral on Facebook (over 1 million hits and 500,000 views)!
Remaining Live Stream Schedule for Month of May:
Saturday, May 16 @ 3pm EDT: A Beethoven 250th Anniversary Tribute
Saturday, May 23 @ 3pm EDT: King Fazioli Jam: An Improv Session
Saturday, May 30 @ 3pm EDT: Successful Stories of Immigration with Special Guests
Vnukowski has spent his time in isolation learning the ropes of professional recording, producing 24-bit, 96 kHz audio files from home. He is incredibly fortunate to have the use of a Fazioli F308, the longest grand piano in the world, which has Unique Features not found in other concert grands.
What makes the Fazioli 308 concert grand super-special? Watch Vnukowski's presentation here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VC5rfqB0mJQ
"One day before the quarantine came into effect, I was given the keys to the house of a brilliant musician and engineer, Steven Norsworthy, who had just brought the piano over from Amsterdam. He allowed me to stay and practice on it at whim. In fact, it is the same piano that Herbie Hancock had performed on during his Berlin tour!" enthuses Vnukowski. "After three failed attempts, I finally cracked the code on how to livestream in full HD from home and am turning this into a case study for other musicians to use. There were many variables that required hours of tweaking and customer support. I'm currently monitoring and writing in precise detail everything from microphone placement to what stimulates the most engagement during virtual concerts (based on the feedback of viewers). In fact, I'm so excited about the project that I can barely sleep each night just thinking about it."
Fazioli is now sponsoring these live streams and Vnukowski has garnered many private donors to help keep the project running. He plans to invest these funds into better lighting solutions, a second mirrorless camera and other specific equipment, which will to help improve the visual aspects of the live streams.
Details about the project:
The live streams can be accessed in one of two following ways:
- in Full HD via the official website (free registration required): https://www.danperforms.com/king-fazioli-jam
- in lower-resolution (720p) via Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/danperforms