The Coronavirus has hit Artists everywhere hard, and it's left audiences hungry for Art. The team at Convergence Theatre have dreamt up an initial response:
PART ONE: The Covid Confessions
PART TWO: The Corona Variations (a cycle of 6 five-minute "Phone Plays" for one audience - or one household - at a time.)
From 10am on Saturday March 28th to 10pm on Sunday March 29th (that's 36hrs. straight!) our phone line will be open to receive Confessions, and we'll also be collecting e-mails. PARTICIPATION IS FREE! ALL CONFESSIONS WILL REMAIN ANONYMOUS.
We're inviting anyone and everyone to leave us a voice mail or write us an e-mail telling us about the impact that COVID-19 is having on your life so far. We will assign one confession per Artist, who will use it to inspire the Art that they've been commissioned to make.
CALLING ALL ARTISTS! Do you want to make something inspired by a "Covid Confession" and get paid $50 to make it?
We're looking to build a roster of Artists - playwrights, poets, writers of any kind, composers, musicians, dancers, visual artists, film makers, ANY MAKERS AT ALL to make anything at all - a short play, a poem, a piece of prose, a recording of a song or composition, a recording of you dancing, a drawing/painting/ sculpture/work of art, a short film...MAKE ABSOLUTELY ANYTHING!
E-mail to get on the list, and she'll provide you with more details.
CALLING ALL PATRONS OF THE ARTS! Fund-an-Artist by commissioning them for $75 to make a surprise something. Choose your desired medium (examples above) and we'll match you with an Artist. Buy it for yourself and/or gift it to someone in your life. $50 will go directly to the commissioned Artist; $25 will go towards paying the Artists who are part of Convergence Theatre's latest experiment, "The Corona Variations".
HOW TO PURCHASE YOUR ART: Send an e-transfer to OR
pay by credit card directly through the "DONATE" button on our website: (You don't need a PayPal account to use it.)
*If you can afford to pay more than $75, please do! The additional funds will go towards our production.
The Artists will receive their commission assignment and confession over the course of the weekend of March 28th & 29th and have until Friday April 3rd at 11:59pm to submit their completed piece to us.
Anyone who purchased a piece will receive it over the course of the weekend of Saturday April 4th and Sunday April 5th.
*An image or video/audio clip of the work will be featured on our website as a way to help support and showcase the Artists, along with an excerpt of the anonymous confession that inspired it.
April 14-19, 2020
Tickets on sale April 6th!
The Corona Variations is a cycle of 6 five-minute "Phone Plays" meant for one audience member (or one household) at a time.
It will run for six evenings from Tuesday April 14 - Sunday April 19, from 8pm-11pm.
Tickets are just $35 - that's just $5 a play! (Price includes HST and a minimal service charge)
LIMITED AUDIENCE CAPACITY! Only 60 patrons (or households) can experience it in one week...that's just 10 people (or households) a night!
Patrons can expect six phone calls from blocked numbers between 8pm-11pm on their chosen night.
Suitable for adult audiences ages 16+. (A "Family Friendly" version is in the works...stay tuned!)
*Only after you complete the experience will we tell you who the performers were and who wrote what...mostly you'll just be a "fly on the phone" listening in on some "private" convos...but we'll also ask you to participate in one or two of the conversations via a script that you'll be e-mailed just before. Don't be scared! We'll take good care of you! And besides, nobody on the other end of the phone will be able to see you! Get cozy and do it in your PJs!
LONG TERM GOALS: If this grand two-part-experiment works out, our goal is to regularly facilitate the commissioning of Artists, and to run "The Corona Variations" again and again. We'd love to have multiple casts working from home simultaneously, add more playwrights, create more options for participation if desired, and to create a "Family Friendly" cycle of matinee phone plays. Baby steps...