Blue Balloon Productions is proud to present a production workshop presentation of R-E-B-E-C-C-A, written and performed by Sara Farb. This unique solo piece is based on her sister who was born seven weeks prematurely in the month of May, and was diagnosed as mentally retarded at a very young age. The story centres on this real-life Rebecca, as well as on an alternate Rebecca - the one that might have been, had she been born in July - as they celebrate their respective 18th birthdays. These two Rebeccas, although universes apart, ultimately manage to find a connection and unite in a strange and powerful way.
R-E-B-E-C-C-A deals with the fragility and randomness of fate, and our perceptions of developmental disabilities.
This production workshop of R-E-B-E-C-C-A is directed and dramaturged by Richard Greenblatt, with original music and sound design by Reza Jacobs. Choreography is by Viv Moore, with set and costume design by Robin Fisher and video design by Jordan Tannahill. Kate Sandenson stage manages.
R-E-B-E-C-C-A will have three public presentations on Tuesday January 29, Wednesday January 30, and Thursday January 31, at the Tapestry New Opera/Nightwood Theatre New Work Studio (55 Mill Street, Building 58, The Cannery, Studio 315) at 8 PM. There is a suggested donation of 10 dollars.