Panic! Productions wraps its third season with the suspenseful British espionage drama "Pack of Lies," June 6 through 21 at the Hillcrest Center for the Arts in Thousand Oaks. The award-winning play by Hugh Whitemore offers a searing portrait of the art of the human relationship, how we see what we want to see and what friendship really means. It is directed by Elissa Anne Polansky.
Based on a true story, "Pack of Lies" is set in London in 1961-the height of the Cold War. The Jacksons are an ordinary English family living an uneventful life until a man from the intelligence services asks to use their house as an observation station to try to foil a Soviet spy ring that may be operating in their neighborhood. Soon, the Jacksons' world is turned upside down as their house is appropriated and their routine disrupted. But, they are really put to the test when the spymaster reveals some secrets that threaten to destroy everything they thought they knew.
"Unlike most espionage stories, 'Pack of Lies' is centered around a domestic situation," says producer Robert Weibezahl. "And, perhaps most unusually, its central conflict revolves around two women. Indeed, Dame Judi Dench won the Olivier Award when she played the lead role in London, Rosemary Harris got a Tony nomination and won the Drama Desk Award on Broadway, and Ellen Burstyn got an Emmy nomination when the play was adapted for television."
Appearing in "Pack of Lies" are Julie Fergus, Kimberly Demmary, Robert Weibezahl, Brian Robert Harris, Don McGreevy, Samantha Togno, Sommer Branham, and Tara McGrath.
"Pack of Lies" opens Saturday June 6 at 8 pm and continues Fridays and Saturdays at 8 pm, Sundays at 2 pm through June 21.
Tickets are $20/$16 students and seniors, with group rates available, and can be purchased at, by calling 805/381-1246, or by visiting the box office. The Hillcrest Center for the Arts is at 403 W. Hillcrest Drive, Thousand Oaks. Learn more at