The Conejo Improv Players will debut a never-before seen improv event -- a one-act, improvised Agatha-Christie-style murder mystery at its shows on November 4, 2017.
Completely made up on the spot with help from an audience suggestion, "Two Detectives" will leave audiences on the edge of their seats, trying to figure out "whodunit" ... What's even more impressive is, the actors don't know either.
"I woke up in the middle of the night and this idea had just hit me," Conejo Improv Players director Jeremy Zeller said. "I ran it by the assistant director Chris, and he said 'I think that might just work' -- and the rest is history."
"Two Detectives" is a brand-new, long-form improvised one-act created and developed by the Conejo Improv Players. The audience will suggest a location where a murder has happened, and the troupe will then create an entire story around the deceased and the two detectives called in to work on the case.
The show will also include other improv favorites performed by the talented cast: Danica Dawn Coble, Christopher Carlson, David J. Parmenter, Allie Leslie, Scott Shrum, Frank Bonoff, Jaden Ostrove, Alexandra Menna, Kevin Schultz, and Jonathan Rowsey.
Tickets are only $10 for adults, $5 for students, seniors, and members of the military. For more information or to buy tickets, visit
Photo: Joe Mulder (left), Joshua Summers and Alexandra Menna improvise a scene during a recent Conejo Improv Players performance. The Improv Players will bring their latest creation, "Two Detectives" to the stage at 7 and 9 p.m. on Nov. 4.