The play, which the troupe will perform in the Center's Community Room, tells the story of a Parisian courtesan who wins the ardor of every man she encounters and upends a bourgeois household in the process. When a normally sober doctor awakens to find that he has brought two things home from an evening spent at the legendary nightclub, Maxim's-a hangover and a lady of the evening-chaos ensues, with much bemusement and some beguiling innocence.
The cast of this hilarious romp features Matt DeNoto, Katie Weibezahl, Suzanne McNabb Tobin, Robert Weibezahl, Corbin Trumble, Nathan Weinstein, James Tobin, Winter Mcleod, Michael Jordan, Justin Anderson, Ivy Ratafia, Brett Coker, Presley Becerra, and Mariah Tobin.
The Lady from Maxim's will be performed Saturdays, August 9 and 16 at 7:30 pm, and Sundays, August 10 and 17 at 2 pm. Saturday tickets are $20, $15 for seniors and student, with a group rate of $12.50 available for ten or more; Sunday tickets are $15, $12.50 senior and students, with a $10 group rate for ten or more. Tickets can be purchased at, by calling 805/381-1246, or by visiting the box office. The Hillcrest Center for the Arts is at 403 W. Hillcrest Drive, Thousand Oaks. The Classics in the Park troupe will give a final performance of the play, Sunday, August 24, at 4 pm, at the Greystone Mansion in Beverly Hills.