Frank Galati’s groundbreaking adaptation of Steinbeck’s Pulitzer Prize-winning novel won the Tony Award for Best Play and has become a national theatrical treasure. This quintessential American story of hope and survival follows the Joad family’s epic journey from the dust bowl of Oklahoma to the promised land of California in search of land, jobs and dignity. A soaring affirmation of the goodness, strength and perseverance of the human spirit, The Grapes of Wrath provides the perfect canvas for an examination of a nation in search of itself.
2024-2025 Bank of America Broadway at The Straz Season
Straz Center for the Performing Arts (10/1 - 6/8) | ||
Powerstories PowerUp: Jane - Abortion and the Underground
Powerstories @HCC Mainstage Ybor (1/6 - 1/6) | ||
Christmas with the Crawfords
The Laboratory Theater of Florida (12/6 - 12/22) | ||
A Beautiful Noise
Straz Center [Carol Morsani Hall] (2/11 - 2/16) | ||
Ruth Eckerd Hall (3/25 - 3/26) | ||
Carrollwood Cultural Center (1/24 - 1/26) | ||
Neil Berg's 116 Years of Broadway
Ruth Eckerd Hall (3/9 - 3/9) | ||
Conversations in Bed
Carrollwood Players Theatre (2/7 - 2/16) | ||
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