Tampa's Gorilla Theatre presents The Woman in Black, an old-fashioned, scary ghost story. Following the tradition of the classic ghost story popularized by Charles Dickens and M.R James, Henry James and Edith Wharton, The Woman in Black relies on atmosphere, a vivid sense of place, hints, glimpses and suggestions, to chill the blood and send shivers down the spine. The show stars Christopher Rutherford and Glenn Gover.
The Woman in Black will run through 11/8 with performances on Thursdays-Sundays at varying times. Tickets are $20 on Thursdays and $25 on Friday-Sunday. Seniors and adult students (with ID) have a reduced rate of $15 on Thursdays and $20 on Friday-Sunday. There is a student rush 30 minutes before the show when available for the price of $10. Call 813-879-2914 or visit www.gorillatheatre.com to purchase tickets.