A captivating drama of hope. Based on Ernest J. Gaines' award-winning 1992 book, this play is an elegant but harsh illumination of the search for grace and dignity before an innocent black man is put to death. A wrenching drama that engrosses and enrages, it shows how courageous one man can be in the face of prejudice and recapture his humanity.
The Stageworks production includes Gloria Bailey, Chip Carter, Slake Counts, Joshua Goff, Tia Jemison B. Dexter Lewis, Ron Bobb-Semple (Member of AEA). Director; Anna Brennen, Set Designer; RT Williams. "The story's wrenching power lies not in its outrage but in the almost inexplicable grace the characters must muster as their only resistance to being treated like lesser beings." -The New YorkerClosing April 24, 2011Videos