New Stage Theatre kicks off its inaugural season with a family-friendly comedy entitled "Maybe Baby, It's You" starring local favorites Alison Burns (voted best actress twice by the readers of Creative Loafing) and Chris Jackson. The show opens August 15th and runs through September 1st. The rest of the season includes the hit musical, "Little Shop of Horrors", "Holiday Party of One", "Title of Show", and "The Rainmaker".
New Stage Theatre is housed inside the Country Day World School campus and features a 99-seat black box theatre sits. The theatre is expected to produce five professional shows this season along with a series of cabarets performed by various talents in the area.
New Stage also includes a Conservatory where a fine arts program of theatre, music, dance and private lessons will be provided to students of all ages.
NSTC is hoping to become a staple in the Largo community by bringing powerful theatre and progressive education to this beautiful town.
Film and stage actor, Chris Jackson, along with Bruce Danielson, Florida entrepreneur, and Alison Burns, an accomplished Tampa Bay based TV personality, singer, actress, and teacher, founded New Stage Theatre in 2012.
New Stage Theatre and Conservatory is partnered with Country Day Schools in Largo, owned by Bruce Danielson and Ted Gillette, and is operated by New Stage Theatre and Conservatory, LLC.