Jobsite Theater brings George Orwell's dystopic literary masterpiece 1984 to life in a gripping stage adaptation by Michael Gene Sullivan from April 27 - May 20, 2018, in the Shimberg Playhouse at the Straz Center for the Performing Arts where they are resident theater company.
1984 warns us with the story of Winston Smith, a small cog in the giant machine-state of Oceania. Physically and mentally under the omnipresent eye of Big Brother, Winston has been caught struggling for scraps of love and freedom in a world awash with distrust and violence. With the brutal "help" of four Party Members, Winston is forced to confess his Thoughtcrimes before an unseen Inquisitor and the audience - who act as a silent witness.This ferocious and provocative adaptation of one of the most prescient works of literature was commissioned in 2008 by the Actor's Gang under the direction of the Academy Award winning actor, director, screenwriter, and activist Tim Robbins. Jobsite has history here, having previously produced the Actor's Gang/Tim Robbins play about the onset of the Iraq War, Embedded, in 2008 to high acclaim. With 1984 Jobsite follows up on the success of The Tempest's matinee field trips for schools, this one specifically for high school audiences. Playwright Michael Gene Sullivan is a resident playwright for the San Francisco Mime Troupe and was given Stanford University's Equity Award for using his work to achieve racial, gender, and age balance on stage. This adaptation of 1984 should not be confused with the one that ran last year on Broadway by Robert Icke and Duncan Macmillan.
Jobsite is funded in part by the State of Florida Division of Cultural Affairs, Arts Council of Hillsborough County, Hillsborough County Board of County Commissioners, Gobioff Foundation, Rollin' Oats Tampa, Creative Loafing, and Illumination Advertising. Jobsite is a 501 (c)(3) not-for-profit organization and all gifts made to Jobsite are tax deductible to the extent provided by law.