Gamma Fest - St.Petersburg released their 2017 aftermovie and dates for 2018 edition. The after movie for the thrilling Gamma Fest has now been released and allows you to get a real insight into what makes it such a forward thing event....and why its one to be added to your festival calendar next year.
Gamma Fest 2017 was a high class event in St Petersburg which drew 7500 crowd and mixed avant gard experimental music and art exhibitions between the 14th and 16th of July. It showcased different genres of music, from academic neoclassicism to house music to experimental to deep techno from the likes of Regis, Rrose, Terrence Fixmer, Vatcian Shadow, Xosar, Kettenkarussell and more. The action took place in unique locations like the Stepan Razin Brewery, the first Russian brewery founded in 1795, and this movie offers a great look back at the action. It shows the industrial setting, the construction of the event, behinds the scenes of some of the installations, and great snippets of the many different performances. Gamma Festival offers a 2 day avent-garde rave experience like no other, but this is balanced against the exhibition space where you can relax and loose yourself amongst the many awe inspiring sculptures and installations making it the perfect combination as the arts and techno world collide.Videos