FST will celebrate the works of young playwrights from all over the state of Florida and in sister cities in Russia, Scotland, and Israel next Saturday, May 12pm.
Winners of the 2012 Young Playwrights Festival and their families will gather at Florida Studio Theatre’s downtown campus to see their plays and celebrate the honor. The playwrights will have the opportunity to see their winning plays performed in professional productions of UNDER SIX (at 12PM) and SEVEN UP (at 10AM). Winners will receive a special certificate and medal honoring their courage to create at an Awards Ceremony, to be held at 2:00 pm nearby at Holley Hall (Sarasota Orchestra Building) following the performances. Artistic Director Richard Hopkins and Associate Director Kate Alexander will preside over the ceremony, with special guest Robert Pinsky (Former US Poet Laureate) as the keynote speaker.