Broadway Theatre Project has been referred to as "the world's most prestigious musical theatre arts education program for high school and college students." It took many years of curriculum development, faculty hiring, and fine-tuning of every single aspect of this Project in order to deserve this accolade.
As a result of 26 years of intense effort, there stands an institution that welcomes 80 aspiring musical theatre performers who auditioned for a place in BTP, each July, and over 20 faculty members, who teach as well as are current in their particular fields of endeavor.
Students at Broadway Theatre Project attend an intense three-week training program that focuses on the basic disciplines of musical theatre including acting, dance, voice, and the many facets of each. The critical life skills necessary to prepare students to work in the professional world of the musical theatre stage are also addressed.
Emphasis is not only placed on each individual art form but also on the collaborative process and the collective creation of art. Broadway Theatre Projects endeavors to provide educational excellence and mold a creative, collaborative, well-rounded, mentally well-balanced, professional, musical theatre arts performer.
For what cannot be taught during that time, information is sent home with the students with the hope that these ideas will be further pursued. In addition to the artistic material to be studied, the young man or woman who attends works on problem solving techniques, peak performance training, and methods in decompressing once the rehearsal or performing day has come to an end.
The 26th Season of the Summer Musical Theatre Intensive will take place on July 10-31, 2016.
For more information on master classes and workshops with Debra McWaters: Broadway Theatre Project's Artistic Director, Assistant Choreographer for Fosse on Broadway, London and the first national tour and Director/Choreographer of Fosse on the second national tour and the International tour, contact
For more information on The Project, additional programs and auditions, go to