A one-woman show about Haley Walker, a Texan transplanted to New York City where she has lived through marriage, motherhood, and divorce, Bad Dates is a hilarious and touching comedy.
A single mother with a teenage daughter, a stressful job, Tibetan Buddhists, the Romanian mob and 600 designer shoes come together in tales of rotten romances as Haley ventures back out into the dating game, "Sex in the City" meets Tracey Ullman!
Bad Dates will play Thursday, Nov. 18 - Sunday, December 6, 2009, at the Shimberg Playhouse, Tampa Bay Performing Arts Center 1010 N. W.C. MacInnes Place Tampa, FL 33602
Thu, Fri & Sat @ 8 p.m. & Sundays@ 4 p.m
Single tickets available at TBPAC @ 813-229-7827 or online at www.tbpac.org