Show Palace Entertainment presents "A Show Palace Christmas Spectacular," November 26 -December 25, 2016. Directed and Choreographed by Jill Godfrey and Music Directed by Matty Colonna.
Let the Show Palace bring back you favorite memories from Christmas. From building Snowmen to drinking Eggnog, singing Carols as you decorate the tree, hearing your favorite stories or watching children open their gifts, there is something magical about Christmas-time. Come share your Christmas with us and share a memory or two. Featuring over 45 of the most beloved holiday songs.
Performances Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday Matinee, Friday and Saturday Evening, and Saturday and Sunday Brunch Performances. Dinner and Show: $49.50. Call 727-863-7949 or visit
The Show Palace Dinner Theatre is located at 16128 US 19, Hudson, FL 34667.