Whimsical Productions sets the stage aglow for "Next to Normal" with a raw and emotional journey into the intricate tapestry of love and grief.
Whimsical Productions have announced the commencement of rehearsals for their forthcoming production of "Next to Normal."
This fascinating behind-the-scenes journey extends an exclusive invitation to experience the raw and emotional process of bringing this compelling narrative by Brian Yorkey (book and lyrics) and captivating score by Tom Kitt. Brace yourself for an electrifying emotional odyssey that promises to strike a profound chord with audiences of all backgrounds.
The heart of "Next to Normal" beats with a narrative that explores the intricate tapestry of love and grief, setting the stage for a production that is deeply committed to humanising each character. It deftly underscores the notion that one's identity transcends the boundaries of mental illness - it is a facet of their being, but never the whole. The rehearsal process is an artful dance, dedicated to allowing each character's essence to shine through, grounding them in a poignant reality, even amid the surreal aspects of the story.
One of the central messages of "Next to Normal" is that love and acceptance has the power to heal. It delves into the concept of intergenerational trauma and aims to break the stigma surrounding mental health treatments. Whimsical Productions aims to avoid the perception that people with mental illness are untrustworthy or "crazy."
Instead, they are working diligently to create a production that offers hope and encouragement. While there are confronting aspects and themes within the story, there's also a message of finding something 'next to normal' - a place where we can live and support one another, imperfections and all. It is a recognition that our flaws make us perfect for each other.
As part of their commitment to this story, Whimsical Productions is providing mental health awareness training for their team. This included a Bipolar Awareness session with a trained health professional to provide insights and experiences into people with lived experience, relevant to the story.
Additionally, an intimacy consultation workshop with Shondelle Pratt from Key Intimate Scenes, will ensure the safe and respectful portrayal of sensitive scenes. The team has assembled a Mental Health Kit with resources from Entertainment Assist and tips from various health services (Beyond Blue, Black Dog Institute, Headspace), particularly those related to the arts, to support the entire production.
As rehearsals progress, we share an exclusive peek into the creative process, witnessing the character moments and the genuine collaboration that brings "Next to Normal" to life!
Next to Normal is a 2 Act musical with a duration of 2 hours 35 minutes (includes 15 min interval).
All five performances will be held at the ARA Darling Quarter Theatre, Darling Harbour.
Wednesday 22 November 7:30PM Evening (Opening Night)
Thursday 23 November 7:30PM Evening
Friday 24 November 7:30PM Evening
Saturday 25 November 2:00PM Matinee
Saturday 25 November 7:30PM Evening (Closing Night)
Tickets for "Next to Normal" are available at the following prices:
ADULT $61.75 (includes fees and GST)
CONCESSION $45.90 (includes fees and GST)
We encourage group bookings to minimise the $5 booking fee per transaction
Link to tickets: Next to Normal - ARA Darling Quarter Theatre
Please be advised that "Next to Normal" contains elements that may not be suitable for all audiences. The production includes strobe lighting, strong language, sexual references, drug use, adult themes, and references to self-harm and suicide. It is recommended for ages 16+.
For those who may be affected by the themes explored in the production, there are various support services available. Lifeline (lifeline.org.au or 13 11 14), Beyond Blue (beyondblue.org.au or 1300 224 636), and Headspace (headspace.org.au) offer assistance. Alternatively, consider speaking to your local GP.