The critically acclaimed production of Tinkerbell and the Dream Fairies from renowned outdoor theatre producer Glenn Elston is returning to the Royal Botanical Gardens, Sydney playing in the Easter holidays from 14th to 29th April.
In Tinkerbell and the Dream Fairies, the adventurous Tinkerbell happens upon the fairies from A Midsummer Night's Dream. Together, the cheeky Mustardseed, fluttery Moth, daring Cobweb and sweet Peaseblossom all go on a magical quest with Tinkerbell, learning about each other and the different worlds they come from.
Award winning artistic director of the Australian Shakespeare Company, Glenn Elston OAM designed this show especially for young audiences drawing on many years spent creating theatre in magical outdoor settings.
"In all the years we performed A Midsummer Night's Dream in the gardens, the fairies always entranced our smallest spectators. Building the fairies into a show for children - with the delightful and mischievous Tinkerbell - seemed like a natural fit." says Glenn.
Audience members are invited to come dressed up for fun either as a Fairy or an Elf but Jedi's, Pirates and all super heroes are all welcome! Come along and join in the singing and dancing, before going on a special adventure to 'Bubble Land' where they help Tinkerbell and her Fairy Friends find their lost wings.
This delightful show was developed in conjunction with early learning experts to ensure it truly engages and inspires young minds. So pack a picnic and join in the magic!