The fourth community concert in the popular 2013 Concerts at Kent Town series commences at 2pm Wednesday 16 October. All concerts in the Concerts at Kent Town series are held in the historic Wesley Church Kent Town. Tickets are $8 and include afternoon tea.
Organist Dr Raymond Booth was born in New Zealand. He studied both piano and organ and mathematics, the latter concluding with a doctorate at the University of British Columbia in Canada. In 1969, he accepted a position in mathematics at Flinders University in South Australia, retiring in 2007. He was Director of Music at the Clayton-Wesley Church, Norwood, from 1974 to 1987, and Director of Music at St David's Church, Burnside, since 1988. Dr Booth's recent musical activities have included accompanying the Adelaide Harmony Choir, playing continuo for chamber music ensembles, and accompanying various solo singers and/or instrumentalists. He is currently Chairman of the Royal School of Church Music, SA Branch.Videos