31st August 2022, 7:30pm, Theatre Royal Sydney
Review: SIX, the Rock Musical Rewriting Her-Story, Returns To The Sydney Opera House Stage.
Lucy Moss and Toby Marlow's (both Book, Music, Lyrics) smash hit musical SIX returns to Sydney to hold court at the Theatre Royal. Swapping the Studio stage for a proscenium theatre, it was a treat to experience this rock history lesson in a new space as the Queens continue their quest to fix Her-story.
For the Theatre Royal season, the Queens from the 2021 summer cast return with Phoenix Jackson Mendoza as Catherine of Aragon, Kala Gare as Anne Boleyn, Loren Hunter as Jane Seymour, Kiana Daniele as Anna of Cleves, Chelsea Dawson as Katherine Howard and Vidya Makan as Catherine Parr.
As the performers have become well acquainted with their Tudor Queens, Gare, Hunter, Daniele and Makan originating the roles in the 2020 season and Jackson Mendoza and Dawson joining the cast in the 2021 season, it has been interesting to see the ladies evolve in their connection to their character and the music. Given this work is more rock concert than traditional musical, the musical theatre performers have gradually shifted their expression to tap into the contemporary pop idol inspirations that have informed the songs and Gabriella Slade's costumes. The are all developing a 'grittier' style as they tap into the strong contemporary female singers but still have the energy and enthusiasm of a new season.
The lyrics of SIX and Carrie-Anne Ingrouille's choreography are both so detailed that having the opportunity to review this work for a third time still holds new realizations. Seeing the work again enables the viewer to shift focus from the current leading lady to the nuances of the rest of the wives and their reactions to the story currently being told. Viewing the production in a proscenium theatre better showcases the ensemble choreography with more clarity compared to the side on views that some of the Sydney Opera House - Studio's set up allowed.
In the 2020 premiere season review the potentially bold statement that SIX was the must-see musical of the year was made. This statement was reconfirmed in the 2021 season and remains true for the 2022 season, this is a must see for audiences of all ages. For students potentially trying find a way to be interested in their high school history lessons or for the older generations that suffered through dry and disconnected lessons that told history from the patriarchal perspective, SIX has a universal appeal as it shares the message that the outdated opinions and ideals need to be addressed to balance the scales of storytelling. For those that missed the earlier visits to Sydney, make sure you secure a ticket. For those that have seen it before, you'll know how fabulous the show but still go again and you'll gain even more from the work than the first viewing.