Winner of the Sydney Fringe Festival 2014 Theatre Award and controversial hit of the Adelaide Fridge, Kinski And I returns to the Sydney Fringe in the 505 @ 5 Eliza Street Newtown Pop-up theatre from Wednesday 16 September to Sunday 27 September 2015 for 10 performances only.
Klaus Kinski was one of the most successful screen actors of all time. He was also a bona fide sex addict and an absolute maniac. His memoir was pulped because it was so extreme. But CJ Johnson, ABC Film Critic and host of ABC's Movieland, has one of the very few existing original copies, and he brings it to life in a multi-media smorgasbord of depravity - and hilarity.
While working with some of the world's greatest directors and making an astonishing 135 films, (including five with Werner Herzog), Kinski lived such an extreme life that any single day he might end up in a stranger's bed, a brawl, a prison cell, an accident, a pregnancy or a lawsuit. He and Herzog achieved mythic status with their films Aguirre, Fitzcarraldo, Nosferatu and Woyzek. But behind the scenes, these two fought in such extremity that they - literally - nearly had each other killed.
"Kinski was always the most mad and passionate of actors but his writing takes those qualities to extreme dimensions - it is berserk. He's an incredibly problematic artist to be obsessed with. Questions of separating the artist from the art, as with Polanski, and of unproven yet terribly serious accusations, such as with Woody Allen, are both hugely present with Kinski.
He was a mad, tormented genius, but he may also have been a monster," said CJ Johnson.
Kinksi's autobiography, banned and pulped almost immediately after its initial release, is presented as a theatrical fantasia of humour and depravity in 90 minutes by CJ Johnson, movie critic, host of ABC's Movieland, playwright and filmmaker. None of it is pretty. Hilarious, hallucinatory and nightmarish, it's a total original.
This is not a show for the timid, and you have been warned.