Immerse yourself in this uncompromising production set in the surrounds of a boxing gym, complete with the menthol aroma of anti-inflammatory lotion and newspaper clippings of sweat-drenched men adorning the walls. I'm Your Man is playing at Riverside Theatres from Friday 20 to Saturday 21 September 2013.
Follow a high profile professional boxer through his preparation for a world title fight in this documentary theatre production. Along the way meet some extraordinary personalities - past legends and failed contenders whose lives have been irreversibly changed by the fight of the game.
I'm Your Man uses a combination of headphone-verbatim, audio-scripting and intense physical training. Actors speak their lines directly from carefully edited original recordings from some of Australia's most notable boxers. The dreams of glory or escape are real. No ordinary slice of life, this is fuelled up, high-stakes theatre, up-close in this intimate venue - and with truly original voices.
The seven boxers whose lives you glimpse in this performance are Billy "The Kid" Dib, Wale "Lucky Boy" Omotoso, Gus Mercurio, Jeff Fenech, Tony Mundine, Wally Carr and the Mysterious CJ.
I'm Your Man was a stand-out performance in last year's Sydney Festival and shows audiences that the stakes are always high, everyone has something to prove, and the only thing that's certain is no matter how high you fly, you will eventually lose
Tickets: Adult $47, Conc $42, F/T Student $30, Youth 30&U $37*
Bookings: Riverside Box Office on 8839 3399 or