Having premiered over 15 years ago and enjoying a successful tour of Edinburgh and New York, the team at Red Line Productions is excited to be returning Men to its original home at the Old Fitz Theatre. This crudely dark comedy will star one of Red Line Productions' co-Artistic Directors, Sean Hawkins (2014 Sydney Theatre Award for Best Actor in an Independent Production for Howie the Rookie) alongside Ben O'Toole (Love Child, The Water Diviner, Mojo, Freak Winds), Jamie Timony (Sleeping Beauty, Eye of The Storm) and Cheree Cassidy (ABC's The Time Of Our Lives, The Boys, Underbelly: The Golden Mile - nominated for the AFI Award for Best Lead Actress in a Television Drama). Jessica Tuckwell (Bell Shakespeare, Griffin, NIDA) will be directing the production and applying a woman's touch to this insight into the male psyche.
Brendan Cowell is an acclaimed Australian actor, playwright and screenwriter. His most recent play The Sublime premiered at MTC last year and has been nominated for a NSW Premier's Literary Award and Ruben Guthrie, that premiered at Belvoir before seasons at La Boite, Silo Theatre in Auckland, and Red Stitch, has been made into a feature film written and directed by Brendan and is opening the 2015 Sydney Film Festival. Brendan wrote two episodes of ABC's The Slap, one of which won an AACTA Award for best screenplay and was also nominated for an AWGIE. The series was also nominated for a Logie Award, BAFTA Award and International Emmy Award. Two of the eight episodes he wrote for Love My Way, in which his performance was nominated for numerous Logie Awards, were nominated for Australian Writers' Guild Awards. As an actor, he's performed with most of Australia's major theatre companies, and has appeared in many television series and feature films.
Venue: Old Fitzroy Theatre, 129 Dowling Street (Corner Cathedral Street), Woolloomooloo
Season: 30 June - 25 July 2015
Times: Tues-Sat 7.30pm, Sunday 5pm
Price: $35 Adult, $30 Concession, $25 Previews and Cheap Tuesday
Bookings: www.oldfitztheatre.com/men