7 days in the Life of Simon Labrosse is a smart surreal comedy by award-winning French Canadian playwright Carole Fréchette. This witty play is making its first appearance on the Australian stage.
Starring in the title role of Simon Labrosse is well-known actor Gerry Sont. We follow Simon's journey to find a job and thus fill the vacuum of his existence. Sliding his way from finisher of sentences, to ego flatterer, to emptiness eradicator, his desperate quest calls up the characters of Samuel Beckett. Against a society that suffocates him, he has only one weapon with which to defend himself: his own life!
Simon Labrosse and his two friends Léo (Steve McGrath) and Nathalie (Cassady Maddox) invite you to a performance of 7 days of his life. Performed in his apartment, but cleverly reconstructed at Creative Gallery 99 - BackStage, the new hotspot in Darlinghurst for unique theatre.
7 days in the Life of Simon Labrosse
Translated from French Canadian by John Murrell Directed by Anna Jahjah
With: Steve McGrath, Cassady Maddox and Gerry Sont
Dates Today 18 May - 29 May 2015 / Tuesday to Sunday
Time 7pm Tuesday - Saturday / 5pm Sunday Duration 1h30, no interval
Venue Creative Space 99 -BackStage, 99 Crown Street (access via Crown Lane), Darlinghurst Tickets $30 - $25 Info/bookings www.theatrexcentrique.com