Schauspielhaus Zürich presents René Pollesch's avante-garde play, HELLO, MISTER MACGUFFIN! A common feature in literature and drama, a MacGuffin is an object or goal that the protagonists chase as a means to start the plot, regardless of the object or goal's significance to the audience. Both physically humorous and witty, HELLO, MISTER MACGUFFIN will open on March 3rd.
HELLO, MISTER MACGUFFIN features the talents of Sophie Rois, Hilke Altefrohne, Marie Rosa Tietjen, Jirka Zett, and Inga Bush.
The Creative Team: René Pollesch (Director), Anna Viebrock (Stage and Costume Design), Christoph Kunz (Lights), Karolin Costume (Dramaturgy), Clara Isabelle Dobbertin (Assistant Director), Ana Brotankova (Assistant Set Designer), Sabrina Bosshard (Costume Assistant), Fabiola Kuonen (Directing Intern), Andrea Frei (Dramaturgy Intern), Rita von Horváth (Prompter), and Ralf Carter (Stage Manager).
For tickets and more information, please visit