Performances run through 8 October 2023.
Gold, Glaz, und Gotter opera comes to Theatre Basel this month. Performances run through 8 October 2023.
The Rheingold is the driving force of Richard Wagner's 'Der Ring des Nibelungen'. At the beginning of the tetralogy, still resting as a natural raw material in the Rhine, it is stolen by Alberich and turned into an instrument of power. The director duo Kroesinger/Dura takes the motif of the gold theft as the starting point for an investigative examination of Basel's colonial history. A musical-theatrical tour in several stations at the Theater Basel illuminates the role of influential Basel families in the slave trade and the lucrative activities of the Basel mission on Africa's Gold Coast.
Hans-Werner Kroesinger and Regine Dura are among the pioneers of documentary theatre. In their productions, eyewitness accounts and historical documents are condensed into multi-layered narratives about our history and present.