In 24 hours we will accompany the artist and revolutionary Cavaradossi, the famous opera singer, Tosca and Scarpia, The tyrannical and korrupte police chief. Passion, violence and love triangle in an opera that gets the audience's heart rate to beat faster.
Puccini depicts Toscas destiny with stark realism in music that is as dramatic as brutal as the shimmering beautiful. Director Knut Hendriksen lets the drama played out in an authentic 19th century. The artist Björn Brusewitz scene images are influenced by the graphics.
Funny Money
Theater der Stadt Diepholz (2/19 - 2/19) | ||
Ein Sommerabend im Wintergarten
Theater am Meer (6/8 - 6/8) | ||
Snacka konst: Xi Wallén Keller
Dunkers Kulturhus Teatersalen (5/22 - 5/22) | ||
Pernilla Wahlgrens Happy Ending
Arena Älvhögsborg (3/14 - 3/14) | ||
Figurentheater Theater Cipolla: Mario und der Zauberer
Kulturbahnhof (3/21 - 3/21) | ||
Die Schöne und das Biest - Die große Jubiläums-Tour
Theater am Marientor (1/25 - 1/27) | ||
Irish Spring Festival
Gut Varrel (4/4 - 4/4) | ||
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