Vi Håller Ut /Resistire
A song with accompanying video was released the 17th of May with about 50 Swedish artists and musicians. A song about not losing hope and enduring in these corona times. Some of the artists involved are Sarah Dawn Finer, Rennie Mirro, Helen Sjöholm, Jessica Andersson. Magnus Carlsson, Mariette and Joacim Cans.
Vi håller ut/Resistire is dedicated to everyone in Sweden who endure these special times due to Covid-19.
For those who work constantly, or no longer. To those who lack, to those who show consideration. For us who are affected. This is a marathon --- and we endure,
"First of all: To the healthcare staff: a huge thank you for everything you do! We did this song to do what we can to keep the mood and fighting spirit up, and at the same time urge everyone to pay attention and continue to follow the authorities' recommendations. Hope you like it and continue your fantastic job. We will endure! " -Micke "Mikeadelica" Gustafsson, initiator
"The song" Resistire "is played over the rooftops in Spain every night, like a tribute when people stand and applaud the healthcare staff from their balconies. Micke Mikeadelica Gustafsson, asked if I wanted to produce the music for a Swedish version. So I called around to a large gathering of music friends, who all accepted and joined in. Now it's done! A tribute to all those who are struggling right now. "We Endure!" - Fredrik Thomander, Producer
Swedish lyrcis to the song: Ingela "Pling" Forsman.