Award-winning actor, playwright and cancer survivor Valerie David is thrilled to return to Sweden in her critically acclaimed, comical one-woman show The Pink Hulk: One Woman's Journey to Find the Superhero Within this September with a Stockholm premiere at STOFF-X. Last year The Pink Hulk was awarded the WOW award in the Gothenburg Fringe Festival "for the show that inspired awe in its audiences with its creativity, humour and content." The Pink Hulk details Ms. David's battle with cancer and how she beat the odds by finding her inner super powers.
Ms. David "hulked out" on cancer. Her solo play is a celebration of being comfortable in one's own skin, of embracing and accepting one's own body-no matter the shape or size. Her comical take is sure to have audience members laughing out loud, to capture their emotions, and to inspire them to find their own inner superheroes to help them conquer any adversity in their own lives.
"My show is not just about fighting cancer; it has a universal message of hope and empowerment," Ms. David said. And after all, a cancer diagnosis means only one thing: Time to pursue a little somethin' somethin' on the side! Ms. David has been performing worldwide in 26 different venues since its debut in 2016, receiving rave reviews and winning several awards along the way.
Visit for the more information on awards, press, praise, media, and a more detailed history of Ms. David's journey.
The Pink Hulk: One Woman's Journey to Find the Superhero Within
Written and Performed by Valerie David; Directed by Padraic Lilllis and Maris Heller
75-minute solo show with mature content & audience talkback to follow
Thursday, September 5 20:00 (8 pm)
Saturday, September 7 17:30 (5:30 pm)
Venue: Teater Tre, Rosenlundsgatan 12, 118 53 Stockholm, Sweden: +46 8 669 00 60
Ticket price: 120 SEK (Concession 60 SEK)
*Special Interest Groups/Cancer organizations eligible for 2 for 1 tickets
*Interviews and comp tickets for media available
*Ms. David is from New York City and is available for interviews either remotely or while Stockholm
Now battling breast cancer after fighting off lymphoma, Valerie does something most people facing cancer in their life probably wouldn't think of doing. With a fear that she might lose "the girls," she takes them out for one last hurrah. And does Valerie succeed? Is there a "happy ending"? Come see the show to find out! This adventurous solo show follows Valerie's journey to seek her own "hulk-like" strength to find her superhero within to become a three-time cancer survivor. An empowering and true story of inspiration that's been touring the globe, with plenty of humor-guaranteed!
Photo: Courtesy of Lauren Adler