The Royal Swedish Opera invites you to a series of concerts during spring of 2021.
The Royal Swedish Opera invites you to a series of concerts during spring of 2021. Every Wednesday they present a concert that can be enjoyed as a classic lunch concert, or when it suits you, on the company's digital stage Operan Play.
Barber in Concert is now playing here.
Almost a year ago, the sun was shining and in the Golden Foyer at the Opera, maestro Alan Gilbert gathered members of the Royal Swedish Orchestra together with the soloists and court singers Elin Rombo and Karl-Magnus Fredriksson for a concert on the theme Barber.
Samuel Barber (1910-81) was one of the most influential American composers of the 20th century: "Probably no other American composer has ever enjoyed such early, such persistent and such long-lasting acclaim." said music critic Donal Henahan.
The concert is a rerun and was originally broadcast on Opera Play 13 May 2020.