Next to Normal delves into the raw and complex world of mental illness, specifically focusing on bipolar disorder. The story centers around Diana, a wife and mother grappling with the highs and lows of the condition. The musical doesn't shy away from the challenges Diana faces – hallucinations, erratic behavior, and strained relationships with her husband Dan and their two children,
Through a powerful rock score that blends soaring vocals with melancholic melodies, Next to Normal explores the impact of mental illness on not only the sufferer but also the entire family. We see Dan's struggle to support Diana while maintaining some semblance of normalcy for the children. Natalie, caught in the emotional crossfire, seeks solace in drugs and rebellion. The musical doesn't offer easy answers, but it portrays the journey of a family confronting mental illness with honesty and compassion. It sparks conversations about mental health awareness, the importance of support systems, and the enduring strength of love in the face of adversity.
Year | Category | |
2009 | Best Musical |
The Repertory Theatre of St. Louis (1/15 - 2/9) | ||
Caperucita Roja y el Lobo ¿feroz?
Teatro Tepeyac (1/25 - 2/23) | ||
El Libro de la Selva, La Aventura de Mowgli
Teatro Tepeyac (1/18 - 2/15) | ||
El Diario de Ana Frank
Teatro Tepeyac (1/18 - 2/27) | ||
WashU Performing Arts Presents 'The Wolves'
Edison Theatre (2/28 - 3/2) | ||
Treintonas, cuarentonas ¡Y muy chingonas!
Teatro Tepeyac (1/17 - 2/28) | ||
Southbank Theatre Company: Relativity
Shelton Auditorium at Butler Arts Center (2/27 - 3/9) | ||
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