Through the power of theatre the audience is transformed into an "all black" audience.The non-black Audience members are now regular black Audience members, while regular black Audience members are now über-black, 'Shaft level black'. And with an all-black audience anything can be talked about, mixed into the conversation. Right?
The Washington Post calls AM I BLACK ENOUGH YET? ...a patchwork of poignant and satirical skits grappling with questions of ethnicity...Johnston's bold tonal shifts add surprise and texture to the piece, which is always thoughtful...
Performances are September 9th-18th, Friday through Sunday. Friday and Saturday performances are at 8pm, and Sunday matinees are at 4pm. All performances will be at the Regional Arts Commission, 6128 Delmar Boulevard, St.Louis, MO 63112 (Across the street from The Pageant). General admission is $15.
The run-time for the performance is an hour and forty minutes, including a ten-minute intermission Information on 'Am I Black Enough Yet?' and future productions of Tesseract Theatre can be found at the official website: www.tesseracttheatre.orgVideos