The Muny presents the seventh and final show of its 96th season, Hello, Dolly!, directed by Rob Ruggiero, choreographed by Ralph Perkins, with music direction by James Moore. The show opens tonight, August 11, and runs through August 17, 2014. Below, meet returning star Rob McClure, who will play Cornelius Hackl!
Tony Award winner Beth Leavel stars as Dolly Levi and John O'Hurley as Horace Vandergelder. Also starring are Rob McClure as Cornelius Hackl, Mamie Parris as Irene Molloy, Jay Armstrong Johnson as Barnaby Tucker and Eloise Kropp as Minnie Fay. Joining them are Daniel Berryman as Ambrose Kemper, Berklea Going as Ermengarde, Rich Pisarkiewicz as Rudolph/Judge, and April Strelinger as Ernestina.
The Muny production features scenic design by Michael Schweikardt, costume design by Amy Clark, lighting design by John Lasiter, sound design by Jason Krueger, and video design by Rob Denton. The production stage manager is Monica Dickhens.
This year, Hello, Dolly! celebrates its 50th anniversary, and The Muny closes its 96th season with a grand production of this classic musical comedy. Dolly has "always been a woman who arranges things," and you'll delight as she tries to win the heart of the well known half-a-millionaire, Horace Vandergelder. Hello, Dolly! features a book by Michael Stewart, with music and lyrics by Jerry Herman.
Single tickets are available at The Muny Box Office in Forest Park, online or by phone. For more information, call (314) 361-1900 or visit