A macabre musical tells the tale of Sweeney Todd, an unjustly exiled barber, who returns to London seeking vengeance. The road to revenge leads Todd to Mrs. Lovett, proprietress of a failing pie shop, whose luck improves when the demon barbers thirst for blood inspires a new ingredient for her meat pies. Londoners start queuing up for a taste of her unique delectable treats!
Check out photos from the show below!
SWEENEY TODD: THE DEMON BARBER OF FLEET STREET is directed by Justin Been with Musical Direction by Chris Petersen. The cast includes: Jonathan Hey, Lavonne Byers, Cole Gutmann, Eileen Engel, Connor Johnson, Warren Westlund, Michael A. Wells, Kay Love, Tyler Cheatem, Scott Degitz?Fries, Angela Bubash, Laura Megan Deveney, Kimmie Kidd, Stephanie Merritt, Belinda Quimby, Ted Drury,Kevin O'Brien, and Benjamin Sevilla.
For more information, visit www.StrayDogTheatre.org
Photo credit: John Lamb