It's 1934 and we're going on a wild transatlantic cruise full of sex, booze, God, and gangsters. Welcome to the S.S. American, where anything can happen, and it usually does.
New Line Theatre, "the bad boy of musical theatre," continues its 27th season of adult, alternative musical theatre, with Cole Porter's satiric masterpiece ANYTHING GOES, running March 1-24, 2018, at, the Marcelle Theater, in the Grand Center Arts District. New Line returns this rowdy, naughty, subversive masterpiece of musical comedy to its wild, wacky roots, and its stinging satire of Americans' habit of turning religion into show business and criminals into celebrities, along the way skewering Wall Street, Prohibition, the Brits, class, and several other ripe targets. The show is a masterful mashup of musical comedy, gangster movie, screwball comedy, and social satire, because even in terms of form, anything goes! Cole Porter's amazing score includes "You're the Top," "I Get a Kick Out of You," "Let's Misbehave," "All Through the Night," "It's De-Lovely," and many other Porter hits. Despite its reputation as old-school fluff, Anything Goes is a whip-smart satire of America's "cafe society" (the 1% of 1934), with the steamship S.S. American standing in for Shakespeare's woods, a place with no rules where people find out who they really are and "correct" the mistakes they've made in the world of the City. Anything Goes fearlessly rips open the American psyche and spills it all out onto our stage.Photo credit: Jill Ritter Lindberg
Sarah Gene Dowling as Bonnie (center), with Reno's Angels -- Michelle Sauer, Larissa White, Sara Rae Womack, and Alyssa Wolf
Sarah Porter as Reno (above) and the company
Sarah Gene Dowling as Bonnie (front, center) and the company
h Porter as Reno, and the company
Sarah Porter as Reno Sweeney
Reno's Angels -- Alyssa Wolf, Sara Rae Womack, Michelle Sauer, Larissa White
Sarah Gene Dowling as Bonnie, Evan Fornachon as Billy, and Aaron Allen as Mooney
Evan Fornachon as Billy and Aaron Allen as Mooney
Sarah Porter as Reno Sweeney and Aaron Allen as Mooney
Aaron Allen as Mooney, Sarah Porter as Reno, and Evan Fornachon as Billy
The company
Reno's Angels, Larissa White, Alyssa Wolf, Michelle Sauer, and Sara Rae Womack
Jason Blackburn (sailor), Kimmie Kidd-Booker (Mrs. Harcourt), Evan Fornachon (Billy), Dominick Dowdy-Windsor (Captain), and Michelle Sauer (Purity)
Sarah Porter as Reno, Zachary Allen Farmer as Sir Evelyn Oakleigh, and Eileen Engel as Hope Harcourt
Sarah Porter as Reno and Zachary Allen Farmer as Sir Evelyn Oakleigh
Eileen Engel as Hope Harcourt
Aaron Allen as Moonface Martin (front) singing "Be Like the Bluebird," with Evan Fornachon as Billy
Sarah Porter as Reno, and her Angels -- Larissa White, Sara Rae Womack, Michelle Sauer, and Alyssa Wolf