Circus Harmony presents over seven hundred mini shows a year in their home ring at City Museum. Once a year, they present a full length show, with a storyline, and a live band. This year, that original production is titled Fluente, happening January 18, 19, 25 & 26. This captivating show is an undersea circus adventure. All the acts are co-created with the amazing Circus Harmony students, staff and guest teaching artists - a number of whom are successful alumni.
Like it's home, City Museum, this circus show is not just for children! While the age range of the performers is 8 to 21 years old, these young people perform professional level circus arts. That is why a number of them have gone on to perform with some of the most prestigious circus companies around the world!
Fluente will feature new acts created especially for this production and new music from the Circus Harmony Band under the direction of Jeffrey Carter. Jeffrey is in his twelfth year as Chair of the Department of Music at Webster University. He is also conductor of the Variety Children's Charity choruses.
The next generation of Circus Harmony's flying children are expertly assisted by Circus Harmony alumni who are currently working in circuses around the world. For the first time, the annual show is written and directed by a Circus Harmony graduate, the award-winning juggler, Kellin Quinn. Kellin choreographed the juggling and unicycling acts for Fluente. Chauncey Kroner helped with the acrobatic hoop diving act before joining Cirque du Soleil while several other alumni, including Sidney 'Iking' Bateman (Cirque du Soleil) and Keaton Hentoff-Killian (Australia's Circa Contemporary Circus) also assisted. Former human cannonball and alumni Elliana Grace worked on the aerial acts which include aerial net and lyrasphere.
Other act co-creators include Alex Wallenda of the world-famous Flying Wallendas and Circus Harmony's master teacher, Dashdendev 'Rosa' Yagaantsetseg. Rosa is an internationally renowned, award-winning performer and choreographer. Her accomplishments have earned her the title of Honored Artist of Mongolia.
For the partner acrobatic act, Circus Harmony is thrilled to have Sariya Saabye back. Sariya is a 4 time national power tumbling champion, former world team member and a nationally competitive acrobatic gymnast. Sariya is the Circus Harmony teaching artist responsible for some of the iconic moves of the St. Louis Arches including Carousel, Helicopter and the Highland Fling.
Circus Harmony is internationally recognized as one of the foremost social circus schools in the world. Social circus means they use the teaching and performing of circus arts to motivate social change. Their Peace Through Pyramids partnerships build bridges between communities in St. Louis and around the world. Circus Harmony also offers recreational classes in an array of circus arts for all ages. In addition, Circus Harmony has become one of the premiere pre-professional circus programs in the United States. While Circus Harmony's students are known for defying gravity in the air, this show will feature them in the weightless world of underwater!
Tickets are on sale now for Circus Harmony: Fluente, an Undersea Circus Adventure: January 18, 19, 25 & 26, 2020, Saturdays at 2 and 7 pm and Sundays at 2 pm at City Museum (750 N 16th, St. Louis, MO 63103). Tickets to see Fluente are $20. To stay and play in City Museum before or after the show, Museum admission is available for the special price of $7 with your Fluente ticket.
Get more information and tickets at or 314-436-7676.