The Union Avenue Opera kick off their 2010 season with a spirited romp through Gilbert and Sullivan's comic opera Pirates of the Penzance, and even if you've never seen it before, there's a good chance you've heard some of these tuneful melodies somewhere along the line. Countless variations on "The Major-General Song" have popped up in movies, cartoons and television sitcoms alone. But, even after their initial familiarity fades, you'll still have the pleasure of enjoying a nicely realized production by a very talented ensemble.
Gilbert's script abounds in witty foolishness, especially where his pirates are concerned. It appears that they all abide by a code that's so rigidly formal, and patently British, that they always fail in their plundering pursuits. For example, they refuse to take on an opponent of lesser strength, and they will not take any orphans as hostages. Naturally, that means that all captured individuals immediately become one when threatened. A young pirate named Frederic,who apprenticed with the scurvy lads because his nurse maid's balky hearing confused the words "pilot" and "pirate", has come of age, and decided to renounce his brethren and head out into the world. But, the sudden appearance of Major-General Stanley's lovely daughters changes everything.
Robert Boldin does fine work as Frederic, displaying a strong, pleasant voice, and handling the romantic lead with considerable aplomb. Soprano Victoria Botero is splendid as his love interest, Mabel, and she deftly glides her way through the coloratura passages the score provides. Andrew Papas has the proper fussy temperament for the Major-General, and he pulls off his signature number in fine fashion. Denise Knowlton amuses as Frederic's nurse, Ruth, and she has a wonderful, albeit pitiful number where she expresses her amorous affections for the lad, only to be rejected. Todd von Felker seems to be having a great deal of fun as the Pirate King, but sometimes his vocals were overpowered by the orchestra.
A solid supporting cast includes: Tom Sitzler as Samuel, Elise LaBarge as Edit, Debra Hillabrand as Kate, Melissa Payton as Isabel, and David Dillard as the Sergeant of Police.
Director and conductor Scott Schoonover keeps the tone light while gracefully guiding the musicians and singers through their paces. He's aided by Peter Huber's colorful scenery, Teresa Doggett's lovely costumes, and Kimberly Klearman's sharp lighting scheme.
The Union Avenue Opera's production of Pirates of the Penzance continues through July 18, 2010. Their next production will be Donizetti's La Fille Du Regiment, which will play July 30 - August 8, 2010.