A Schubert Omnibus Concert of 3 Musicians that have Grown from Prodigies into Artists!
Youth is not everlasting, and so here is a performance that must be seen and heard when it can. The 2015 DITTO Festival, unprecedented from previous festivals, has gathered three musicians that have gone from prodigy to artist. Jaeil Jung, who received much attention last year through ‘Bari Abandoned’ started off as a bassist in the group Gigs at age 17. Ji-Yong is a classical music pianist with tsunami-like energy and technique that has also collaborated with artists from in diverse fields of dance, drawing, images, and much more. Minje Sung is a double bassist that has turned the double bass into a solo instrument. These three artists will be presenting the concert
Minje Sung will start the concert off with a double bass quartet. Ji-Yong is preparing a video clip using the lyrics from Schubert’s song to show with his piano performance. Jaeil Jung will attempt to combine Schubert’s ‘Der Erlkönig’ with pansori. Their performance will break away from traditional classical music concerts but the stage will be full of new and different interpretations of Schubert, a stage of Schubert that cannot be defined as one. The concert is titled ‘Unfinished’ and not ‘Untitled’ and so the potential of this day is infinity.
Ages: 7 years and over