The news of their tutoring came to light because they were in contact with students who tested positive for COVID-19.
Members of two orchestras in South Korea are being investigated by their employers for violating a ban on "outside work" by giving private tutoring, Korea Times reports.
The news of their tutoring came to light because they were in contact with students who tested positive for COVID-19.
One member of the National Gugak Center's Court Music Orchestra members gave a private lesson to a student who later tested positive. The NGC member, however, tested negative. The NGC member denied teaching the student, and says he met the student to give free advice.
This comes after a member of the Seoul Philharmonic Orchestra tested positive for COVID-19 after giving private lessons to a student at the Seoul Arts High School. This caused the to orchestra cancel some performances, and they will decide on how to proceed once the musician has recovered and returns to work.Read more on Korea Times.