OEDIPUS is playing at South Korea's Seoul Arts Center from now until February 24th, 2019.
Korean actor Hwang Jung-min, who loved the stage, returns to the play !!
Oedipus King turned into a king!
In 2019, CJ Towal Theater of Seoul Arts Center opened the first poem!
Sam's Company drama series 4th after Harold & Mode, Romeo and Juliet, Richard III.
Oedipus Hwang Jung-min, Bae Hae-sun, Nam Myung-ryul, Choi Soo-hyung, Jung Eun-hye, Park Eun-seok final confirmation!
A perfect cast that can be seen only for one month, the best cast to give an overwhelming stage
Hwang Jeong-min and Seo Jae-hyung directing, and the legacy of the production corps that led the Richard III to the box office!
A combination of past-generation creatives that will make the audience in 2019 a place of tragedy
Oedipus = complex? The real story of Oedipus you do not know unfolds!
The journey of solving the mystery, the will of the human pursuing the truth, and the choice
Oedipus, who was born a noble prince between the three greatest lords of the Three Kingdoms of Lieu and Iocasta, was abandoned by a Lion who was afraid of a cursed trust that he would murder his father and marry his mother.
Raised as a shepherd's base by King Corinthian, he rescued Thebes, who had been threatened by the Sphinx, and was married to Queen Icareste.
As the years passed, Thebes suffered from an epidemic and drought, and when he realized that all of these calamities were entangled with the death of his lord Rios, he sought out the murdered murderer and found the blind prophet Teresias.
For tickets and more information, please visit http://www.sacticket.co.kr/SacHome/perform/detailE?searchSeq=37121