The Vanishing Elephant tells the heartwarming tale of Opu, a young boy in Bengal with dreams of becoming an elephant trainer. His life changes forever when he befriends Janu, an Asian elephant, launching an adventure that spans decades and continents. Years later, Opu, now an old man, learns of a magician's daring feat to vanish an elephant in New York City and embarks on a journey to find his long-lost friend. This touching story of friendship and longing is brought to life by Cahoots NI, acclaimed for its captivating stage productions.
Dear Evan Hansen (1/15/25-1/16/25)
H.M.S. Pinafore by New York Gilbert & Sullivan Players (1/30/25-1/30/25)
The Comedy of Errors by The Acting Company (3/12/25-3/12/25)
August Wilson’s Two Trains Running by The Acting Company (3/13/25-3/13/25)
Jeff Arcuri: Whole Wide World Tour (4/5/25-4/5/25)
Dragons and Mythical Beasts (4/13/25-4/13/25)
Fire Shut Up in My Bones: Opera Suite in Concert (4/21/25-4/21/25)
Home for the Holidays (12/15/24-12/15/24)
A Very Electric Christmas (12/7/24-12/7/24)
Mandy Patinkin In Concert: Being Alive with Adam Ben-David on piano (11/16/24-11/16/24)
Eddie Izzard: The Remix (10/20/24-10/20/24)
Watcher Entertainment: Ghost Files Live! (9/27/24-9/27/24)
An Afternoon with Stephen Colbert and Evie McGee Colbert (9/22/24-9/22/24)
Jagged Little Pill (3/12/24-3/13/24)
Annie (2/27/24-2/27/24)
Spiegeltent (11/18/23-12/23/23)
Dear Evan Hansen
Charleston Gaillard Center (1/15 - 1/16) | ||
Arts Center of Coastal Carolina (12/4 - 12/29) | ||
King James
The Warehouse Theatre (4/4 - 4/20) | ||
Ain't Too Proud (Non-Equity)
North Charleston Coliseum Performing Arts Center (12/20 - 12/22) | ||
Charlie Chaplin portrayed by Jeremy Meier
Simpsonville Arts Center (2/7 - 2/7) | ||
...And Getting Caught in the Rain
Centre Stage (9/26 - 9/29) | ||
Centre Stage (9/12 - 9/15) | ||
Jane Anger
The Warehouse Theatre (1/31 - 2/16) | ||
Life of Pi
Peace Center (7/8 - 7/13) | ||
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