Dandelion, An Original Musical follows the story of Jane, a high school senior, and her family as they are forced to confront profound questions of guilt, responsibility, and sacrifice when Jane must decide between attending college in pursuit of her lifelong dreams, or staying home to care for her mother, Lilah — who is locked in a desperate battle with severe mental illness and opioid addiction. A deep exploration of the world of caretaking, trauma, healing, and responsibility from the eyes of a conflicted daughter navigating a broken healthcare system, Dandelion is a contemporary, singer-songwriter style musical that captures the emotional ups and downs of familial love, loss, and change. Female-driven and fearless in its approach to storytelling, Dandelion is a universal story that will touch the lives of audience members across generations.
Trustus Theatre is at 520 Lady St Columbia, SC 29021, Columbia, SC.
The Prom (6/21/24-7/20/24)
Little Shop Of Horrors (broadway Version) (6/9/23-7/8/23)
Lady Day at Emerson's Bar and Grill (6/4/21-6/20/21)
The Thanksgiving Play (11/11/20-11/21/20)
WE WILL ROCK YOU (6/19/20-7/18/20)
Fairview (4/24/20-5/9/20)
A Streetcar Named Desire (2/7/20-2/22/20)
Miss Bennet, Christmas at Pemberley (12/6/19-12/21/19)
Miss Bennet: Christmas at Pemberley (12/6/19-12/20/19)
Marjorie Prime (11/8/19-11/16/19)
Dear Evan Hansen
Charleston Gaillard Center (1/15 - 1/16) | ||
Arts Center of Coastal Carolina (12/4 - 12/29) | ||
Centre Stage (3/13 - 3/30) | ||
Next to Normal
Centre Stage (10/17 - 10/27) | ||
SIX (Boleyn Tour)
Koger Center for the Arts (2/25 - 3/2) | ||
North Charleston Coliseum Performing Arts Center (3/25 - 3/30) | ||
...And Getting Caught in the Rain
Centre Stage (9/26 - 9/29) | ||
Lean Ensemble Theater (3/20 - 3/30) | ||
Some Like it Hot
Peace Center (6/10 - 6/15) | ||
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