The Taffetas, written by Rick Lewis and directed by Pat Shull and Beverly Henderson, is a voyage back into a time when hula hoops were hot, angora sweaters were fashionable and poodle skirts were the talk of the town.
The story centers around a quartet of sisters from Muncie, Indiana, who are determined to sing their way onto national television and to appear on The Ed Sullivan Show. Their journey aims to knock the Bobbysocks off of anyone in the audience with their swell music review of the 1950's, including the hits "Johnny Angel", "Mr. Sandman", "You Belong to Me", "Sincerely" and many more.
This Off-Broadway hit starts Elizabeth Thomason as Cheryl, Cara Brown as Donna, Kelly Seto as Kaye and Kristi Valentine as Peggy. It is scheduled to appear at the Electric City Playhouse Aug 19, 20, 21, 22, 26, 27, 28, 29 and Sept 2, 3, 4, 5 with Thursday, Friday, Saturday performances at 8 pm and Sundays at 3 pm.
Ticket prices are Adults $17, Senior $15 and Students $10, with both group and enlisted military discounts available. Season Members can reserve their tickets now and General Ticket sales start August 9th.
For information and tickets call (864) 224-4248 or email