Nunsense Jamboree, written by Dan Goggin and directed by Richard Cowan with musical direction by Jeff Brannon, is the third musical in wildly successful Nunsense series. In Nunsense I, when a nun known as Sister Mary Amnesia regained her memory she recalled that she always wanted to be a country singer. In Nunsense II her dream became one step closer to reality when Reverend Mother landed a recording contract for her. In this third installment Sister Mary Amnesia's dream has been realized as she headlines a brand new show promoting her debut album "I Could've Gone to Nashville." Cheered by audiences and critics alike as funny and fast-paced, this hilarious hoe-down is Nunsense fun with a Laugh-In-Hee-Haw-Grand-Ole-Op'ry slant. Outrageously funny musical numbers include I Could've Gone To Nashville, Everyday of the Week Is a Saturday, Do Unto Others, The Delta Queen, We Miss You, Patsy Cline, A Technicolor Woman and Growing Up in Brooklyn.