This production is directed by Thom Hofrichter, this play features: Tony McCarrol and Danny Reese.
Topdog/Underdog by Suzan Lori-Parks will be presented at The Studio Theatre-in Kettler Hall on the PFW campus. This production is directed by Thom Hofrichter, this play features: Tony McCarrol and Danny Reese.
The two brothers named Lincoln and Booth by their father as a joke, haunted by the past, and their obsession with the street con game three-card monte. 2002 Pulitzer Prize winner is a darkly comic fable of brotherly love and family identity.
Performances to take place April 28, 29, 30 and May 5, 6 and 7. Cost: all seats $20-to buy tickets. Reservations: go to Topdog/ or call 260-416-4461 or email for free student tickets call 260-481-6608 (thanks to a grant from The Venderly Foundation)
PLAYGROUND 630, INC. is a 501-c3 non-profit corporation and a company-in-residence at Purdue Fort Wayne's College of Visual and Performing Arts.