In 1900 Russia, an aristocratic family faces uncertainty as change comes to their family home, including the impending destruction of their beloved cherry orchard. A classic play of people whose way of life is being pushed aside leaving nothing but memories and unrequited hopes. Two great playwrights combine to create a feast of characters in moments humorous and sad.
Director Deb Swerman conducts Olivia Becht, Matthew Bell, Lisa Blodgett, Steven Cole, Ron Condor, Andrea Creasbaum, Aaron Denlinger, Bill Frascella, McKensey Hedberg, Phil Kwiecinski, Melissa Manier, BJ Simpson, and Douglas Streich.
The Cherry Orchard is a full length play about the down fall of a once very wealthy family. Liubov and her brother Gaev are the owners of a large estate that includes a cherished cherry orchard. However, due to some bad financial decisions and the impending social changes, the family is about to lose their home to an auction. Lopakhin, a family friend and businessman has offered several very viable suggestions. One of which would include the selling of the orchard. Though this would solve all of the financial problems, Liubov will hear nothing of it. She continues to spend money she doesn't have and seems completely oblivious to the seriousness of the situation. In the end the choices are made for her and the family must cope with their oncoming descent.
The Cherry Orchard by Anton Chekhov, translated by Tom Stoppard, plays in SBCT's Warner Studio Theatre September 27-October 6. Performances are Fridays and Saturdays at 8 PM, Sundays at 3 PM ($18), Wednesday and Thursday at 7:30 PM ($15).
For tickets call 574-234-1112, or visit the SBCT website SBCT for a season filled with passion... with laughter... and with joy!