A pitch black comedy from playwright Martin McDonagh, the story follows Carmichael, a man who had his left hand taken from him 27 years ago and has been searching for it ever since. Now holed up in a sleazy motel room, he hopes to buy his missing hand from a young couple, who may or may not have it. But things do not go as planned, a violent confrontation ensues, and the eccentric hotel receptionist must decide if he will step in or just let them all burn.
Tucker Curtis directs Jessie Lott, Jr., Mark Moriarty, Casey St. Aubin, and Lisa Tuholski.
General admission tickets are $15 with performances at 7:30 PM Friday March 27, Saturday March 28, Friday April 3, and Saturday April 4. For tickets, call the SBCT Box Office at 574-234-1112 or online at sbct.org.
SBCT's full season sponsors are Villing and Company and Alfred and Martha Choitz; and the Firehouse Theatre Series sponsor is Renaissance Executive Forums.