South Bend Civic Theatre will host a Birthday Party for Bill! Celebrate Shakespeare's 450th birthday with the offering of Firehouse Shakespeare. On April 26th at 3 PM, join Shakespeare at Notre Dame Executive Director Scott Jackson for a community reading of Twelfth Night. All participants are encouraged to read and share in the roles o observe. All ages are welcome. All you need to bring is a sense of fun and a passion for Shakespeare. Snacks will be provided.
This event is free but participants need to reserve their spot by calling the Box Office at 574-234-1112 or online
As a warm-up to the reading, South Bend Civic Theatre is offering a Shakespeare Workshop taught by Grant Mudge, Ryan Producing Artistic Director of the Notre Dame Shakespeare Festival. This workshop will give participants a chance to activate and de-mystify Shakespeare's language in fun and exciting ways. The workshop will be held at the Firehouse Theatre from 1-2:45 PM for a fee of $15. Call the SBCT Box Office 574-234-1112 to enroll. SBCT's Firehouse Theatre is located at 701 N. Portage Ave. in South Bend. Wish Will a happy 450th with SBCT and S@ND!