"The Mamalogues: Dramas from Real Mamas" is a staged reading of humorous and touching essays depicting life as a mother and woman.
Created by South Bend native, Noelle Gunn Elliott, the idea was conceived after having dinner with friends. She discovered that finding the humor in everyday life is what brings people closer. In an effort to share this with the public she created platform to do so. She has teamed up with Kate Knopick Coates and created a show that you will leave you laughing crying and everything in between.
The show is comprised of local women sharing original stories: Noelle Gunn Elliott, Kate Knopick Coates, Megan Michele, Carolyn (Gardner) Hunt, Colleen Spano, Jenn Lechtanski, Laura Ambrose, Pricialla Jamora, Kelly Blair, Sandy Cho Kavanaugh, Maria McKenna, Sarah Jollay, and Martha Theisman.
One weekend only: Friday June 6th and Saturday June 7th at 7:30 p.m. and Sunday June 8th at 2:00 p.m.
Tickets are $10 and may be purchased at scbt.org or call the SBCT Box Office at 574-234- 1112.
*** Currently all performances are sold out. Please call the Box Office to be put on a waiting list.