Embark on a magical journey "Under the Sea" with the mermaid Ariel and her friends! Based on the animated classic, Disney's Little Mermaid Jr. is a musical for all ages that will have you swimming along with favorites like "Part of Your World," "Poor Unfortunate Souls," "Kiss the Girl." In a magical kingdom fathoms below, the beautiful young mermaid Ariel longs to leave her ocean home to live in the world above. But first, she'll have to defy her father King Triton, make a deal with the evil sea witch Ursula, and convince Prince Eric that she's the girl with the enchanting voice.
Director Laurisa LeSure, Music Director Delshawn Taylor, and Choreographer Becky Visker lead a cast of over 60 local students in this imaginative staging of a production sure to delight all ages.
Performance dates are February 22 at 7 pm, February 23 at 3 pm and 7 pm, and Sunday February 24 at 3 pm. Tickets are $10 each or a 4-pack for $32. For tickets, call the SBCT Box Office 574-234-1112 or go online at www.sbct.org.